Recovering Perfectionist

I have long struggled with being a perfectionist. I am FULLY AWARE that I am not perfect nor will I ever be perfect this side of Heaven but it is something I have always strived for.  I believe part of the reason I am this way is I grew up with a mother who constantly conveyed that nothing I did was ever good enough, like I was never good enough. I spent most of my life trying to be good enough for her and then I realized I will never be good enough for her. I still strove to be good enough in my own eyes and again never was.

I recently decided I needed to make daily, weekly, and monthly goals for myself on adding some positive things back into my life for my mental health. I am learning to give myself grace. I don’t accomplish everything every day or even week and I may not accomplish my monthly goal. However, instead of looking at what I am not accomplishing I am focusing on what I am accomplishing. So, I didn’t do any writing two days in a row. THAT’S OK! I have written more in the past two weeks than I had written in over a year. That is a good thing great thing!

Depression is not something I can just get over. My mental health struggles are not going to go away just because I am adding some positive things to my life. Unless God decides to completely heal me here on earth I will struggle with this the rest of my life. Learning to give myself grace, to be a recovering perfectionist instead of a perfectionist is all just part of the process. Process… yes, this is a process. It is not going to happen overnight or in a month or a year. This is a process that will take the rest of my days on earth and someday… someday God will complete His work in me.


Holding on to hope until that day.

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