“Committed Suicide” vs “Died by Suicide”

It's been just over 11 weeks since suicide almost claimed my life. I used to use the term "commit suicide" but have since changed my viewpoint and am attempting to change the language around suicide. To say one has committed suicide makes it sound like they made a selfish choice. Suicide isn't a choice. Some … Continue reading “Committed Suicide” vs “Died by Suicide”


On Thanksgiving evening, after an enjoyable evening home with my kitties and receiving a Thanksgiving meal from a friend, I tanked. It's all a blur to me now but I was not doing well and I didn't care about anything anymore. I went to my medicine cabinet and grabbed my Effexor and then grabbed a partial … Continue reading I. AM. WORTH. IT.

My Second Visit to the Sixth Floor – part four

Part three ended with some questions: Was it possible that things were finally starting to look up? Was there a ray of hope shining through the dark clouds? Would things finally start to turn around?  Part four begins with some answers. I was finally starting to feel the prayers of those who had told me over and … Continue reading My Second Visit to the Sixth Floor – part four